Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Time flies when you are having fun.

I've been spending way to much time reading blogs instead of posting to mine.  I totally forgot I even had one.

Anyway, moving on.  Have you been to Z Gallerie lately?  This place setting caught my eye.   It had so much bling to it. And a girl can never have too much....LOL 

Look at this vase and the blinged out flowers.  I think each one of those stems were $4 a piece. 

 My favorite part was this leather placemat, although here it looks so much more sparkley than in person.

There are 8 seats at our dinning room table.  The cost on all these pieces would be to much for this coupon girl to handle. 

 I'll post more about some of the other projects we've been working hard on.  

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